Arbitrated by
Rule Book
Community -
Why Rule Book ?
Clear Trust

Transaparency builds trust. It ensures everyone understands the rules and their impact.

Diverse Voices

Inclusivity empowers all the community members to shape the rules, fostering a sense of ownership of belonging.

Shared Responsibility

Opposing rules fosters accountability, ensuring that decisions are well-considered and benefit the community as a whole.

How does RuleBook work?
Rules by community, For the community.
0 Rule is proposed. While proposing, a fee is submitted by proposer which covers future arbitration fees and also prevents spamming.
1 Vote on existing proposals. Community can vote in favour or against the rule within the proposal period.
2 Execute proposal. If majority of community is in favour of the proposal, the proposal can then be executed and added to the Rule Book.
3 Oppose a rule. If a community member finds the rule to be unjustified, they can oppose the rule. The dispute is handled by Kleros court.
4 Dispute Resolution. If the judges deem the rule to be unjustified , it will be removed from the RuleBook otherwise it will stay in the RuleBook and cannot be opposed again.
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